Add image of individual room to booking page

Topics related to bookings and guest managment
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Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:57 pm
Location: Ocean City, NJ

How do I add a picture of each individual room to my main booking page? I had done this before, but I can't seem to find the setting to do so now, and frankly I'm not sure why some room display the correct image. Instead, it uses the first (Property Pictures: position 1) image. You can my Reservations page here:
The booking page is embedded onto my Reservations page using the WordPress shortcode:
[beds24-embed hideheader="yes" hidefooter="yes"]
Those rooms with picture of the exterior of the hotel have the default image; others have images of the individual room. I want each room to have an individual image.

Joe Nasevich
Joe Nasevich
Webmaster, Homestead Heach Hotel, Ocean City, NJ
[email protected]
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:28 pm


You can find details on the wiki page :- for uploading pictures and assigning them to your room.

If you are still experiencing problems, then please raise a support ticket so we can investigate further.


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