Auto cancell reservation after specific time.

Topics related to bookings and guest managment
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Posts: 125
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:27 pm

Is it possible to set the auto cancel option to occur if the guest doesn't pay or if I dont confirm the reservation in specific period.

For example guest wants to book the apartment but he will confirm me in 2 days. In that case I would like to hold this reservation for him for 2 days and if he doesnt call me to confirm the reservation will be delited.
In that case I dont have to worry that I might forgot about it and see later that I am holding the reservation for someone who didint confirm the reservation.

If he contact me on time I will confirm reservation and the reservation wont delete it self.
Posts: 1339
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:44 am

You can set up an auto action to do this ( SETTINGS->AUTO ACTIONS).
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