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NCP calendar guest info pop-up: change display order

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:42 am
by amberbb
Over the last 7 years or so Mark, we've worked with you to try and get the user interface honed for quick and efficient use by accommodation providers.

These suggestions are made to continue that tradition.

Overall, the new pop-up window that displays when you click on a Guest's name in the NCP calendar view is an improvement. However, we would like the most commonly used and accessed information to be displayed RIGHT AT THE TOP (with rarely consulted information relegated to the bottom) and it is already evident that this has also been your own design philosophy.

Suggested changes:

1) I presume that the field labelled "language" is only ever intended to display one (short) word such as English, 简体中文, Español, ,العربية Pyccĸий, português, Deutsch, etc. Since this is, therefore, always going to be either a null field or pretty short, I suggest it is moved to be on the same line and in the same left hand column (of two) as the "Status" pick list box

2) Move the Invoice section right to the top of the second column since these are the fields that most often need to be amended/consulted in a hurry when adding items, recording cash paid, printing invoices etc...

3) Keep the remaining listing order the same, but where the "Guest Comments" and "Notes" fields only have either no entry or a one line entry, they should open as a default to one line deep rather than two lines deep. Same idea with the four custom question boxes - open them as a default depth of one line deep rather than three lines deep where they have either no entry or a one line entry.

4) For the left hand column, default to the "Address" section being 3 lines deep (rather than the current 5) except where it has more than 3 lines of data and not expand beyond 5 lines deep except where the lower right hand corner "tab" is dragged to enlarge

5) If you don't anticipate using a language that has a very long date format the number of "Adults" box could be moved up to be positioned on the same line and just to the right of the "First Night" display, while the number of "Children" box could be moved up to be positioned on the same line and just to the right of the "Last Night" display

6) A similar depth saving can be made by moving the (little used) "Fax" field to display just to the right of the "Card Type" pick list.

7) Again for the left hand column, default to the "Rate Description" field section being 1 line deep (rather than the current 3) except where it has more than 1 line of data and not expand beyond 4 lines deep except where the lower right hand corner "tab" is dragged to enlarge it

All in all, the less vertical and horizontal scrolling that busy hosts have to do the better!