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Autoaction to assing Parking

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2021 10:18 pm
by imaljko4
Lets say that we have 10 Parking places for guests and we would like that first 10 reservations get this spots (so if someone booked earlier than others he has the right to get the spot).
Is there anyway to create an autoaction that would use some math, and than add "Private parking" to Flag field for first 10 reservations?
1. So when a new reservation is received the autaction would check weather during the guests stay : Reservations with "Private Parking" < 10, if yes than it would add "Private parking" to the Flag field of the new reservation.
2. Also would it be possible that if someone with "Private Parking" cancels the reservation, that the autoaction checks who is the "next in line" to get this spot assigned (the booking with earliest booking date- if there are more bookings for this dates that couldn't get the spot previously)

I know its a pretty complicated question, but just wondering weather there are any ideas, how we could automate the parking assignment.

Thank you

Re: Autoaction to assing Parking

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:43 pm
by lesleywoermeijer
Sorry, this is not possible, the Auto Actions trigger on individual bookings or a group, so it would not be possible to count the number of bookings with the appropriate Booking Info code.

You can setup a report and see the number of bookings with and without the booking info code, then you can check for availability of the Parking space and select a booking to offer the parking space to.

You could also setup a 'Room' for your Parking Spaces, create a 'booking' for the appropriate accommodation booking and create a Group. Then if you have inventory >0 for specific dates, then you can offer the guests the option to make a 'booking' for the parking space.

Have a look at this option in the wiki page :- ... has_Booked