Switching from another channel manager

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Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:44 am


I run multiple properties and not all of them use Beds24, but I'd like them all to! However the idea of changing channel managers for live properties with lots of bookings and different OTAs seems rather daunting, has anyone got any advice about the best way to do this where I won't risk overbookings or create a messy situation where I'm using more than one channel manager.

Can OTAs activate another export only connection as well as maintaining the current connection? I've already asked the question to some of the big OTAs and am waiting for their advice but I thought some people here might have real experience themselves...
Posts: 1346
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:44 am

You can only use one channel manager at a time.

These are our suggestions to make the changeover smoothly:

For Booking.com and Expedia we have the option to automatically import all upcoming bookings. We recommend to use this method because for bookings imported directly from Booking.com we will then be able to automatically import changes. You can use this function when the channel manager is set up but not activated. The button is available in SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER->BOOKING.COM/EXPEDIA.

Other bookings can be uploaded as a .csv file through our API (http:/api.beds24.com/).

This is how you do it:
1. Export your bookings into a .csv file
2. Go to SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT ACCESS and allow API Access in the 'Link' section.
3. Go to http:/api.beds24.com/
4. Click on https:/api.beds24.com/getbookingscsv.php
5. Download a sample file so you have the correct format
6. Open the file in a Excel or similar and dd your existing bookings in exactly the same format into the file
7. Upload the modified .csv file via https:/api.beds24.com/putbookingscsv.php

The instructions in https:/api.beds24.com/putbookingscsv.php explain the procedure in detail.

When you are ready prepare your channel manager connections. When you go to SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER->BOOKINGCOM (for example) and click on HELP (top right) you will find detailed instructions for this channel.
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