Change search fields

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Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:40 pm


This is the booking page i'm currently testing on my site -

I need to edit the fields of search options, so there is no child option and limit the adult up to 4 max.

The apartments charge per night not per adult, so the adult & child section is irrelevant.

Also is there a way to make the nights stay a min of 3 nights in the front end? It starts at three, but you can click on the drop down and select lower.

Ideally, the booking page should look like this >
So it's just check in, check out and nights stay. And will have a search button on the end.

I don't like how it has Bardywell Heights name and from £330 check availability block, is under the search bar at the minute.

If someone can get back to me on how i can customise this, that would be great.

Thanks, Laura.
Posts: 1346
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:44 am

Hello Laura,

The page your are setting up is the agency page which is will display all your properties. It will show the property name of each property. Have a look here: for information on how the agency booking page works: ... Properties

We have made some changes to this page so it will not show the adults and children selector if you have deselected these in the room settings and use the minimum stays of the properties.

If you do not want to show the price you can hide it using custom CSS. Go to SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGE->MULTIPLE PROPERTIES->DEVELOPER and add this code in the custom CSS field:

.propfromprice {
display: none;}
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