Multiple month (year) availability calendar (widget)?

Everything related to your website and the Beds24 widgets
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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:11 pm

Hello all!
I'm thinking of replacing the availability calendar I have on my website to be a beds24 widget. The one given is great, however it only shows a single month at a time.
Some potential guests would like to see a whole year (it would also be helpful for my workers to be able to see at a glance).
Input would be starting month, property/unit ID.

Anyone have something like that?

Thanks in advance

John Hopper
Villa Skakavac, Icici, Croatia
Site Admin
Posts: 935
Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:43 pm

It is possible to put multiple availability calendars on the same page and set each one to show a different month.

Here is a sample with 4 months but it could be expanded to show 12.
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