agent booking page not as Iframe or embed in Safari browser

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Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Sep 18, 2021 5:03 am
Location: New Zealand

Kia ora,

I created a package deal using the agent function. The newly created booking page with agent code displays the package deal only. The URL works fine by itself on every browser. I was trying to display it in an iframe and Wordpress embed using the Wordpress plugin.

Both methods work fine and display everything correctly if I use the Chrome browser. However, if I use Safari browser the embed and iframe both show my normal booking page and not the agent booking page. I tested that on 2 different Mac devices with the same result.

Has anyone come across this problem?
Posts: 1346
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:44 am

Can you give us a link to the page you are referring to? If you do not want to post it publicly you can start a support ticket via the support button in your Beds24 control panel..
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