Auto action with API for Airbnb ?

Develper issues when using the Beds24 APi.
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kiki tulum
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:10 am

How can I set up my auto action : confirmation for airbnb ?

Indeed, in my auto action, I paste my text in HTML Message section and when the auto-action was sent to the guest in airbnb via the API, the text was pasted without line breaks even though there was the "<br /> " in the source code.

Specifically, my line was:
<br />
Welcome to KIKI TULUM CONDOS.<br />

and it came out:
Hello Kadian,Welcome to KIKI TULUM CONDOS.

What's the problem ? how do I get a line break in the airbnb message ?
Can i put my text on "Plain Text Message" section ?

Thanks for your help
Posts: 1363
Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:44 am

You have to use plain text because Airbnb removes all HTML from messages. Please see here: for more information.
kiki tulum
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:10 am

Thanks you Annette, your help has been very useful.
The truth, i'am new in beds 24, not really bad at computing but it is not easy to find the good way to configure it.
But I love it....amazing tool.
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